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Marketing and Production Info

Space advertising (noun): out-of-this-world marketing and promotional activities which leverage the magnificence of space for your brand.

We help internal marketing execs and marketing agencies alike who want to stand out and engage a huge audience, by creating attention-grabbing campaigns with unique and genuine imagery of the Earth in space.

Whether you're an international marketing firm pitching to a huge global client, a young startup looking to make a splash in the market or an established business ready to revitalise its image, we'll supplement your existing capabilities throughout the development and execution of your campaign to make sure you get the amazing results you deserve.

Earth seen from space with Asia, Oceania, and the Pacific Ocean in view, part of Earth in shadow


From developing the campaign concept through to executing your vision, our Projects & Business Development team will be on hand.

  • Idea generation & strategy

  • Pre-production

  • Launch

  • Post-production

  • Delivery

 Blueprint hologram of a Sent Into Space spacecraft


Our Engineering department leverage silver screen magic to present technological and aesthetic creations worthy of the stunning backdrop of Earth in space. Combining traditional techniques and materials with cutting-edge 3D printing and CNC multi-axis milling, we can create scale reproductions of physical products and digital assets as well as remotely controllable animatronic models and equipment.

Blackmagic camera with rigging on set at Sent Into Space Headquarters


Whatever your content requirements, our Creative team provide a complete suite of video production services for an incredible final video.

  • Storyboarding

  • Cinematography

  • Drone cinematography

  • Editing & colour grading

  • Sound design

  • 2D and 3D motion graphics and animation

Tom Felton on a Pixelbook laptop screen in space with heads up display showing altitude, speed, and temperature


Want to create an unmissable moment? Explore the huge range of activation opportunities to leverage the awesome audience pull of live. We offer everything from live premieres on social media, experiential marketing and exhibition displays, to real-time data transmission, scavenger hunts, and even livestreaming from the edge of space.

Graphic design tablet illuminating the right hand and pen of a graphic design artist


Ensure your flight imagery and your brand look their very best whatever the setting. We optimise assets for applications across mediums, create bespoke branding decals for launch vehicles, and design and produce immaculate digital and print assets for social media, website and physical placement.

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