Live activations can be unbeatable for driving real-time engagement. An opportunity to interact directly and influence the course of a momentous event gives audiences a sense of personal connection and leaves them with an enduring positive relationship to your brand.
This could mean enjoying a live view of the world from above, playing an active role in determining an aspect of a launch by remotely controlling an element in flight through likes, shares and comments, or by being rewarded for their attention with exclusive, time-sensitive content reveals and sharing in an evolving narrative.
There are a wide range of options for introducing a live component to a space marketing campaign and the best approach for maximum engagement, relevance and return on investment depends on a number of unique considerations outlined in the examples below.

Give your audience a real-time view of the Earth from space, with up to 4K resolution video streaming direct to social media with ~2min latency.
A livestream creates an event that viewers can participate in through comments and queries. Maintaining an active brand presence throughout, whether in chat or through a picture-in-picture feed of a presenter, is vital to transform a moment of excitement into an ongoing relationship.
As with most internet discourse, the tone of a live chat is usually fast-paced, chaotic and irreverent, and the perception of transience and disposability heightens this—although it’s important to remember that any controversial moment could be clipped for posterity! This presents a natural challenge to shape viewer experience, but those who succeed and win over their crowd will end the stream with a raft of fans whose devotion to the brand is unmatched.

Live streams work best when they feature a dynamic subject that offers new twists and turns which provide ongoing reasons to stay engaged. One surefire way to achieve this is with a feature presentation that can be remotely affected from the ground, either by a celebrity ambassador, brand representative or the audience themselves. Our two-way communication and control system offers the unique opportunity to interact with a spacecraft as it’s travelling through the stratosphere.
Two-way communication is a step change in complexity from broadcasting down from a craft in flight, adding an additional level of prestige to an already exclusive stunt. The delay between signal transmission and visual confirmation of result on a social media feed is around 5 minutes, perfect for triggering a [dynamic mechanism] remotely, or displaying messages, images and even video on a screen mid-flight.

A scavenger hunt with a prize that’s literally out of this world? Broadcasting the location of a prize-bearing craft as it travels through space and returns to Earth can generate huge engagement from excited fans without the complexities of live video transmission. We can broadcast a wide range of sensor and positional data and even still imagery from a launch vehicle in flight without the requirement for expensive and timeline-expanding licenses.

In the age of digital life, in-person connections are all the more valuable. Experiential marketing is about delighting the public by taking them out of their everyday lives and into the extraordinary, with interactive, site-specific displays and engagement opportunities. Our 360° filming systems create beautiful space footage that can form the core of an experiential marketing event, whether projected onto a pop-up planetarium or shared via immersive VR headsets—ideal for public displays or industry and trade event spaces.

A live event doesn’t have to incorporate live video transmission to capture audience excitement and create an unmissable moment. Debuting pre-recorded content in a live premiere, as we did for the first episode of Rick and Morty Season 5, can generate a massive buzz around a campaign, while offering the peace of mind knowing that your result is secure. Pre-recorded material can also be enhanced with cinema-style colour grading and the addition of motion graphics to call out key information and reinforce brand identity and tone.